Berowra to Cowan via Berowra Waters (on the trail again post Covid Lockdown)

Berowra to Cowan

The end of Covid lockdown in Sydney means we can travel more than 5km from home, so its time to get back on the GNW trail. My son had a some time off from work so we picked a warm October day for this next section.

Last time I finished with a bit of road walking to Berowra station, so this time we picked up the Berkley trail from near Berowra station avoiding so much tarmac. Today was about 13.5 kms and the track from Berowra Waters to Cowan has a couple of hills as it climbs over the ridges, hot work as it hit 30 C.

Again the excellent tracknotes are here:

Berkeley track from Crowley Rd trackhead

We started from the Crowley Rd track head around 9am and followed the Berkeley track.

The track quickly dives into the bush behind some houses, then descends a cliff on stairs. Following along, you soon reach the Berkeley firetrail which skirts the hillside. Passing the junction with the trail from Crosslands which I came up last time, the trail leads again to Naa Badu lookout.

GNW to Berowra Waters

The GNW soon heads off from the Berkeley firetrail and crosses a small creek and we settled into the trail heading for Berowra waters.

As you proceed a little further, the Berowra creek estuary reappears, widening quickly as you near Berowra Waters.

Berowra Waters

Berowra Waters draws close and the view encompasses the foreshore houses and boats. The track descends to water level and the Berowra Waters track head is beside the road to the ferry, which crosses the estuary.

We took some time out and caught the ferry across to the other side to get a coffee and had a mid morning break.

Berowra Waters to Deep Bay creek.

After our coffee break, it was back across the ferry to the east side to pick up the trail again. From here the track climbs up and over the ridge before descending into Deep Bay creek.

The climb winds up nearly 100 meters, along cliff lines and over rock platforms with views back to Berowra creek.

On the fairly open ridge there is a large isolated rock and soon you begin the descent to the creek.

The creek crossing is at about 30 meters, so after reaching and crossing the creek its time to climb again.

Deep Bay Creek to Ridge Top campground

The second climb is a bit steeper rising 140 vertical meters or so towards the Ridge Top campground. Its generally a rocky climb with the usual cut steps and there are a few places where metal spikes aid the climb. There is a large cave just below “The Roland Murray Bench” rest seat.

And a few good spots on the way up.

Once you up, its a short flat walk to the Ridge Top campground.

Ridge Top Camp Ground to Cowan

We found a rock in the shade and had our lunch stop at Ridge Top campground. It had hit 30+ degrees C, so the climb up had been a bit warm. It would be quite hot in mid summer.

From here the track follows along the ridge for a bit with some nice sandstone country and forest walking, before descending again to cross Joe Crafts creek and making a final climb up to Cowan. The crossing of Joe Crafts creek is at about 40 meters, so once again there is a fairly steep down and a steady climb up, this time the ascent is not so rocky.

Its a fairly steady climb out, but it was still warm. We spotted an echidna on the way up to add to the wildlife seen today. Once you reach the tops there is fairly level forest walking with views to Berowra houses in their bushland settings. And suddenly its the end as the track spills out onto the highway opposite Cowan station.

The Cowan trackhead and end of today’s walk.

Its a nice walk with distinctly different parts, descending into Berowra creek with it’s taller deeper forest and water views and the rocky climbs and dryer forest more typical of the sandstone ridge country. And of course Berowra Waters is a picturesque outpost on the journey.

A very enjoyable walk, especially after being locked down for a few months.